May 21, 2009

The Life Of Sufis

This semester which is as my final semester I take two subjects, namely Arabic For Academic purposes and Issues In Tasawwuf. For me, studying of Issues in Tasawwuf is more interesting than Arabic For Academic purposes which learning about how to write articles, assignment, thesis and dissertation in Arabic, huh, this subject makes me too confused!

However, I’m enjoy to study of Issues In Tasawwuf ‘s subject that telling about the history of Tasawwuf, the Life of Sufis, the concepts in Tasawwuf, the Muslim scholars who are expert in Tasawwuf’s field, the life of Sufis and others.

One reason makes me want to know more by learning of Tasawwuf is about the Life of Sufi. This Sufi is not Prophet Muhammad, of course, the main Sufi as the role model of Sufi is Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him). But, the term Tasawwuf its self was emerged after the prophetic period and companions, it is called the Tabi’in period (100-200 Hijriah).

Why the word Tasawwuf was emerged after the prophetic period? Because the life of Tasawwuf its self was existed at that period and after the period of caliphates. The life of Prophet and companions were Zuhud(Ascetic) and fulfilled simple life. They not only performed the obligation prayer and commands, but also followed the Sunnah of prophet as the commands of Allah. For instance, the life of Prophet is as Aesthetic legacy is referred to Sunnah of Prophet. The Aesthetic life was found in His life. He slept without pillow and on the usual mat that made by date leaves in order to make his self waken up early to perform tahajjud prayer. Then, when poor people came to his house, he gave one of three dates, and two more for his self and his wife.

We back to the point of Tabi’in period. Hasan Al- Basri was the one who found the term of Tasawwuf. He was born in Madinah in the 21 Hijriah. His concepts of Tasawwuf are Al-Khawf means fear and Al-Raja’ means hope towards Allah. These two concepts were emerged because of his life. He used had feeling of fear (Al-Khawf) of Allah’s punishment because of his wrong doing. And this fear motivated his self to worship Allah as much as possible. Besides this big quantity, he made his Ibadah good quality like had full concentration when performing prayer until he cried in the process of Shalat. Then, from his fear, he hoped (Al-Raja’) Allah’s forgiveness of his transgression.

Besides Hasan Al-Basri, Rabi’ah Al-Adawiyah was also the earlier Sufis at the period of Tabi’in. She was born in Bashra in the 185 Hijriah. And her important teaching is about Hubb Allah (Love of Allah). I think She was the first one who taugh this concept. This teaching was emerged because of Her sincere love to Allah. And this concept as the main factor to be Sufi people. The teaching of love of Rabi’ah was expressed to her syair or poems. According to me, these poems are very romantic. I will put on the special label…

Thus, we should learn the life of Sufis, not have to be as Sufis, but at least we had tried to make our life as simple as possible like the Sufis. Learning the life of Sufis not because of left behind the material world, but we make this material world as the transportation to go through the eternal life as the final destination in order to get the absolute bliss in the hereafter, in the paradise… Wallahu ‘Alam!

Salam Hangat,

Raudah’s property

The sources : From my self & Buku Tasawuf: Dari Sufism klasik ke Neo –Sufism by Prof. Rivay Siregar.

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